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Back To Good by Laura McCarthy Benson

Back To Good

by Laura McCarthy Benson

Giveaway ends April 07, 2017.

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07 April 2011

Book Review: Die For Me, Amy Plum

Reading Level:        Young Adult 

Hardcover:               352 Pages 

Publisher:                 HarperTeen, May 10, 2011

Parasols:                   3

I won't lie, but I really struggled with this one.  But I continued on and I'm glad I did.  It got a bit better towards the end it wasn't as confusing as the first half was.  Katie and her sister have lost their parents in a horrible car wreck.  So older sister Georgia whisks them off to Paris to live with their grandparents.

Katie is taking the deaths of her parent very hard and just becomes a shell of herself.  She doesn't allow herself to have any fun and spends most of the time by herself.  She'll either go to a museum, or sit in a cafe all day reading her summer reading books.  But one day she catches the eye of a gorgeous guy.  He seems mysterious and a bit pissed off.

From there on, he always seems to be where she is, almost as if he or she are stalking each other.  But one day, when she is at her favorite cafe.  A young girl sitting across from her waves her over, Katie gets up and starts to walk, when a piece of the outside rock wall collapses on the table that she was just sitting at!

After all this happens, she finally get introduced to Vincent, the pissed off looking mysterious guy.  And they fall for each other, but wait, he's got a secret and of course, she finds out about said secret, his "family" is not too happy that a mundane, oh, wait, wrong story, human has infiltrated their home.

I'm not going to give away plot points, but I felt as if I read this before.  Or something similar.  Gorgeous girl, Gorgeous guy, fall in love, shouldn't be together, but can't stay away from each other.  Give me something different!  Ohh, I'm ranting!  Anyway, it's a 3 parasol for me.  I enjoyed it enough.


  1. Thanks for the warning that you struggled in the beginning. I'm supposed to be getting this one soon.

  2. I definitely felt like there have been similar books, but I enjoyed this one anyway. I think maybe it was the setting that really enchanted me. Plus, I really liked the supporting characters - Jules, Ambrose, and Georgia. I almost wish they had been more prominent in the story.

  3. Hi,

    OO I loved this book. Most books have the basis for boy and girl and love is never easy. What I loved about this book was the depth of characters, the setting, and the Revenants..something refreshingly different. I loved the whole reason for the difficulty in their romance was because of what they were, which is a fairly valid reason. Iloved the female lead wasn't silly. She was smart, thought about how her relationship would impact them. A most gorgeous book to read, visually. I think Amy gave us a lot of information in Die For Me, book 2 will give us more of Jules and Ambrose. I loved those 2 guys and Vincent was beautiful.


  4. Great honest review. I'll read this one eventually.

  5. That's a shame that it didn't seem too original...but nice honest review! :)


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