
Goodreads Book Giveaway

Back To Good by Laura McCarthy Benson

Back To Good

by Laura McCarthy Benson

Giveaway ends April 07, 2017.

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11 October 2010

Ascendant, Diana Peterfreund

How do I say this... I gave up on this book.  It's a DNF.  I don't think I've ever publicly acknowledged that before.  And I'm really upset, too.  I LOVED the first book so much that I had such high expectations for this one.  I read about 208 pages and I just cannot go any further.  I tried.  I'd read in the morning, at lunch break, and then when I got home at night.  It was taking me forever to read it.

I just couldn't get into Astrid's story.  Some situations seemed extremely contrived and I found that bothering me more and more.  Plus, with this version (ARC), there were some glaring errors that I hope were picked up in the finished copy.

Astrid leaves the Cloisters originally to bodyguard Cory.  Cory has somehow lost her powers to fight unicorns.  However, a tip from Neil (Cory's uncle), Astrid takes a side trip to France to try to catch up with Seth Gavriel.  They person who stole the innocence from Phillipa, Astrid's beloved cousin.  Who is also the Donna of the Cloisters.

Astrid finds not Seth, but Brandt, her ex-boyfriend who set all of this unicorn hunter stuff in motion.  And from there, Astrid goes to Gordian (oh no, not them again!) to meet with Martyn Jaeger's estranged wife.  Of course, Isabeau has a job for Astrid keeping the Einhorns on the property well-mannered.

Yes, and now we are up to where I stopped reading.  I just found it insufferable.  Perhaps I'll read the finished version.  Hopefully they picked up on the continuity errors.


  1. DNFs are disappointing, aren't they? Oh, well. Hopefully the next book you read will be better. :)

  2. Aww, that's just so sad! I really LOVED the first book, too, so my expectations are also on the high for this book. Just reading your summary makes my head turn, so I hope I'll still be able to enjoy the book.

  3. I read the ARC and didn't notice any continuity errors. But I'm not exactly the most discerning reader.

    Anyway, I really liked it and am sad you didn't like it. Hopefully, you'll like the hardcover/paperback more whenever you get to read it.

  4. Thanks! for sharing.


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